Changes with Wells Fargo

It is not secret that Wells Fargo has been in the news over the last few years and not it a good way. Well, the bad news keeps coming for them. Wells Fargo closed around 300 branches in 2020 and will be closing another 250 in 2021. Based on research, employees are on edge, moral is down, and even if people aren’t being laid off there is a possibility their roles will change.

We also have a contact who is established within Wells Fargo who shared that some of the Personal Banker roles will be eliminated and offered Teller roles. We are reading that they are taking ‘layers’ out of the organization and this could be a good opportunity to offer to be a resource for these professionals.

Titles/departments that are most relevant for the Financial Advisor role:

Personal Banker | Wealth Management | Advisor | Asset Management | Private Bank

Sample Search Strings:

“Asset Management” AND “Wells Fargo” AND “Client”

“Personal Banker” AND “Wells Fargo”

“Wealth Management” AND “Wells Fargo”


“Hi {Name}, I see that you are a [title] at Wells Fargo and have read in the news that there are some changes with some branches as well as some roles within the organization. I am not sure if you are impacted by those changes but would love to introduce myself on a professional level and learn more about what you may be looking for if Wells Fargo ends up not being a long term fit.”

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—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—