The Great Resignation & The NM Dividend Announcement
What does the ‘Great Resignation’ mean for recruiting and how does it have anything to do with NMs dividend announcement? Read on to see!
The Great Resignation is an unexpected consequence of going through the pandemic. Many people are looking at their careers through a different lens while at the same time, companies are hiring at a rate we have never seen. AND with compensation packages that are above what they have been in the past.
When we all read and hear that, we may think it could be harder to recruit for a role with no base salary but don’t fall into that trap. This is an INCREDIBLE time to recruit for NM and here are a few tips on how to do it:
Position the career as entrepreneurial. Be really intentional with it.
Traditionally, commission is not attractive but owning a business is. At NM, it is the same thing.
When talking about commission, don’t compare to other commission roles. Compare to other businesses. EVERY. SINGLE. business has to ‘sell’ something to earn their income. It is just not called commission, it is called revenue.
When talking about utilizing their market, ask “who is a business owner you really admire? and how do they find clients?”
Resignations are the highest in Tech and Healthcare
Search for…
Tech Sales people (example: “BDR” AND “tech” AND “quota”)
Nurses who also have fundraising experience (example: “RN” AND “fundraising”
Make sure to talk to them about the stability of NM and how well the company has done for 164 years PLUS the fact NM is paying a $6.5 Billion dividend back to policy owners.
Use the NM Dividend Announcement to your advantage
NM is paying $6.5 BILLION in dividends to policy owners after many companies are still trying to right the ship after the pandemic. There is something so attractive about the stability of the company— not only to candidates but to clients.
Find candidates who truly care about the community (teachers, people who sit on boards on non profits, etc) and share that dividend news. Between that news and the fact that NM is a mutual company should be an attractor for the right person.
Happy Recruiting!
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—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—