TD Ameritrade Changes
When companies say "Reductions in staff are a necessary part of achieving overall expense synergies" that is a good time to reach out introduce the career!
Charles Schwab bought TD Ameritrade earlier this year. There are more than 300 offices at Charles Schwab and 250 at TD Ameritrade that are primarily responsible for helping individuals and families with their financial needs- including retirement planning, estate planning, insurance and annuities, and managing banking and lending needs. Find the ones in your area and start reaching out!
Search string for LinkedIn/Indeed/Bullhorn
“Planning" AND “Investment” AND “Schwab" OR "TD Ameritrade"
“TD Ameritrade”— Leave it general and see who pops up
Language for Cold Outreach
I recently came across an article discussing the closing of multiple TD Ameritrade offices. My firm, Northwestern Mutual, here in [City], is currently looking for experienced producers, bankers, and client service advisors to learn more about the career opportunities we offer. I would welcome a simple and quiet conversation to discuss if our firm is the right fit for you and your career path.
Depending on your schedule - would you be available for a virtual or in person coffee on XXXX at XXX ?
Look forward to hearing from you,
Good luck! And don’t forget to warm up the lead through your connections if you can!
—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—