Resources at Your Fingertips

Are you using everything in your recruiting arsenal to attract candidates? If you aren’t sure, here are a few of our favorite, simple things that have helped us!

Northwestern Mutual’s YouTube Channel

Add some of these to your signature, or in candidate confirmation emails as pre-work. Candidates appreciate the information!

Making Important Financial Decisions
Real Talk About Commission Careers
Market Volatility and Northwestern Mutual
Northwestern Mutual YouTube Page


Yes, we know Linknet can be a lot but use it to your advantage. A few things we love:

  • Target Market Playbooks. There are playbooks for Medical Device/Pharma Sales, Hospitality (super relevant right now), Tech Sales, and others. Take a peak!

  • E3. Did you know there was a Recruiting Channel on E3? No? Now you do :)

  • Company Fact Sheet. We use the Fact Sheet ALL. THE. TIME. We add it to confirmation emails and reference it in initial meetings. It looks great and has really good information.

LinkedIn (not to be confused with Linknet)

Follow Northwestern Mutual on LinkedIn. The post some great stuff that is incredibly relevant to your candidate conversations.

Happy Recruiting!

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—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—