Remote job opportunities are dwindling, yet demand remains extremely high. Companies are moving back to in-person/on-site work finding that there is little substitute for the relationship building and productivity that it brings. “This shift away from remote work is not limited to just certain industries or job functions, but it is a trend that is being seen across the board.” However, not everyone is happy about this shift. According to LinkedIn, remote jobs attracted 52.8% of all applications submitted which was slightly higher than this time last year. To put that into perspective, remote jobs only made up 13.2% of listings last month. The shift in the job market is going to change the way workers job hunt and impact their conditions for considering a new job. The happy medium here may be that the hybrid work schedule seems to be sticking around and even though companies are making on-site work a requirement again, it may be a 3 or 4 day in office work week.
“What people are valuing more than ever is their own version
of what they want their work and their personal lives to look like.”
- Mandi Woodruff-Santos
If you are having success finding amazing candidates, yet they have their minds firmly set on remote work, how can we highlight the benefits of on-site opportunities? First, it is hard to overestimate the impact of face to face interaction and building those relationships with co-workers. You also sell the immersion into the company culture, which is often at the tip top of the “why you should work here” list. Other perks include: help establishing and keeping a routine which in turn keeps productivity at its highest point, simple and straightforward communication (even enhancing communication skills), the ability to solve problems faster with managers and co-workers a few desks away, and learning on the spot from other team members. There are many more perks that could be added here, but this is a good starting place. While we understand the attraction to remote working, it’s always worth the reminder of what makes in-person/on-site work so invaluable.
A workplace value proposition represents the organizational culture,
benefits and interactions employees experience when working on-site.
For the organization, it's "why we come to the workplace."
Listed are still tons of incredible candidates out there on the job hunt that are itching to get back to an office. If you would like some help sourcing for them, try these search strings:
"Sales" AND "Hybrid"
"Sales" AND "In-person"
"Client interaction" AND "Sales"
"Extrovert" AND "Business development"
"Business development" AND "on-site"
("Sales" OR "Business Development") AND "In-person" OR "on-site"
Here are a few of the sources we found that we have referenced above and some that we have been following in regards to this trend:
Today Show Remote Work Segment
Wall Street Journal - The Job Market For Remote Workers Is Shrinking
Business Insider - Remote Jobs Are Drying Up Despite High Demand
Gallup - Going Back To Work In The Office, It Has To Be Worth It