Plant the Seed with Salespeople
October is when crunchtime hits for most salespeople. They are scrambling to hit their year end targets and while they may be energized now, most hit some level of burn out by December. If you plant the seed now about exploring career opportunities, follow-up in December, and follow-up again in early January they will be more likely to speak with you.
Here is what to say in October:
Via a LinkedIn message
Subject: Final Quarter of the Year- Crunch-time
Hi {Name},
It is the final quarter of the year and I am sure you are in crunch-time to hit those year end targets so this will be brief. I just wanted to reach out and introduce myself. I have had success working with people with your background to successfully transition them into a career as a Financial Advisor. Some of the main reasons people make the shift from a career in {Tech Sales} to this are:
- No one determines your territory
- Commissions start in the 70-80% range
- There is compensation on one sale for the rest of your career – reoccurring revenue
- People are tired of travelling so much
- People are tired of having the fear of being laid off
I understand right now may not be the right time (HUGE commissions on the line) but again, wanted to introduce myself. If you are open to a conversation now or in the future, please let me know.
—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—