Pharma/Medical Device Sales
Search for pharmaceutical or medical device sales professionals on LinkedIn. Don’t forget to check the box for 1st and 2nd connections!
Sample Subject Lines for E-Mails/LinkedIn:
Starting over financially every January?
Travelling too much?
Is your lack of work life balance wearing you down?
Are you in control?
Sample Connection Note:
Hi Jonathan, I saw your profile and was compelled to connect based on your experience. Recently we have noticed many medical device sales reps exploring our firm as they want more out of their career whether it be financial, balance or culture. Are you open to grabbing coffee to discuss?
Sample InMail Language:
Hello! I came across your LinkedIn and was compelled to connect based on what I have learned about others in roles similar to yours. Recently we have noticed many individuals like yourself at {company/role} wanting more out of their career whether it be financial, better work/life balance, or opportunities to be a part of a team. I would like to grab coffee with you to discuss your career progression and ambitions. When is a good time for us to connect?
—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—