Based in Northern California’s wine country, our firm believes that if your employees truly are your best asset, then the quickest way to grow your business is to get better at getting (and keeping) better people.
At CMC, we're all about recruiting with a personal touch. We love working hand-in-hand with small to medium businesses, serving as your trusted partner throughout the talent acquisition journey.
Our mission? Working with you to discover exactly what you need, hunt down top-notch talent, and execute innovative strategies to attract and snag those dream candidates.
We're not just your average recruiting firm—with over 100 years of combined experience, we're your go-to, trusted team. We take the time to understand your unique needs and challenges while bringing an extra touch of personality, empathy, and experience to our collaboration. Whether you're feeling a bit lost or need some backup at any stage of the recruitment process, count on us to provide the expertise and support you need. Let's make recruiting an enjoyable adventure together!