Military - Sourcing
The Department of Defense Skillbridge Program is a unique and incredible opportunity to introduce Military and Military Veterans to a career with NM. If you have not had the opportunity to review the resources on LinkedNet, we strongly encourage it.
We did see an opportunity to provide you some search string specifically targeting those who could benefit from this program. These searches should be used in tandem with the Skillbridge resources, language, etc.
Sample Boolean Search Strings:
Army: Army OR USAR OR “U.S.A.R.” OR “Army Reserve” OR “Army Reserves”
Navy: Navy OR USN OR USNR OR “U.S.N.” OR “U.S.N.R.” OR “Naval Reserves” OR “Naval Reserve”
Air Force: “Air Force” OR USAF OR “U.S.A.F.” OR USFAR OR “U.S.A.F.R.” OR “Force Reserve” OR “Force Reserves” OR “Forces Reserve” OR “Forces Reserves”
Marine Corps: Marines OR “Marine Corp” OR “Marine Corps” OR USMC OR “U.S.M.C.” OR USMCR OR “U.S.M.C.R.” OR MARFORRES OR “Marine Expeditionary Force” OR MEF
Coast Guard: “Coast Guard” OR USCG OR “U.S.C.G.” OR USCGR OR “National Guard” OR Veteran OR “honorable discharge” OR “honorably discharged”
Playbook & Marketing Pieces Internally
Military Veterans Recruiting Playbook
Military Recruiting (this is the marketing piece)
Happy Sourcing!
Learn more about what we do:
—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—