Allstate & Licensed Candidates

It is the end of the year (AKA the start of the 2022 recruiting year) and that means it is a great time to find some licensed candidates. One company we know went through some big changes is Allstate but there are others who we have had success recruiting from as well.


Earlier this year, Allstate announced that they were selling their life insurance arm. What better place for people to land than with the WORLDS Most Admired Life Insurance company right?!

Search strings

“Insurance” AND “Allstate”

“Client focused” AND “Allstate”

“Life Insurance” AND “Allstate”


“Hi {Name}, I recently read that Allstate is making some changes to their Life Insurance platform and wanted to reach out. I’m not sure if you have ever looked at a career with Northwestern Mutual but we are the Worlds Most Admired Life Insurance company AND we have a top investment business. What is your calendar like this week or next for an exploratory conversation?”

Some articles that you can reference if needed

Other Companies

State Farm— We have had success recruiting their associate level people. They are normally the ones doing a lot of the calls and some of the business development.

Edward Jones— They still have a ‘knock on doors’ model (yikes)

American Income Life— They really only sell to Unions and through more of a MLM model

Happy Recruiting!

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—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—