Leverage Regional Meeting
Regionals look a lot different this year but you can still leverage it to attract more candidates AND use it to connect with the reps/staff in the office. When every speaker is presenting, listen for things that jump out for you, candidates, and for what may be relevant to re-share with reps/staff. Take a look at a few things to think about:
Listen for YOU
What resonates with you?
What made you head nod in agreement?
What story gives you more energy and conviction moving into 2021?
Listen for Candidates
What statistics/fun facts did you pull from NM stories that you can share with candidates?
What stories were told about the impactful work NM does that you can share?
Who is on ‘stage’/being recognized? Look them up, learn their stories and source people like them while sharing their story in that outreach.
Listen for Reps/Staff
If they won an award, tell them how proud you are off them and how proud you are to work with them
If they are a new rep or don’t have as many ribbons as they want, send them a motivating message— “I can’t want to see you on stage next year!”
Text or Email them when you think of them throughout the meeting. When the regionals are on-site, it is easy to lean over and make a comment to someone next to you about the content. Do the same thing via text. It will make everyone feel way more connected even during this strange year.
Remember to write all of this down. We have made the mistake too many times of “oh, I will remember that” but there is SOOO much content. Write it down, revisit your notes, and put your thoughts into action either immediately or in the future.
Enjoy Regionals!!
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—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—