Leadership in
Fraternities and Sororities
As a Campus Recruiter, recruiting people from Fraternities and Sororities is most certainly part of your plan. Make sure to also target the leaders specifically in each organization. If they are not necessarily interested, they will know people who are.
As a Full-time Recruiter, you can still search for people who were leaders in Fraternities and Sororities. They will likely continue their leadership journey as they move through the early stages of their career.
Common Leadership Titles:
Vice President (or VP)
Recruitment Director
Here is how to source for these candidates on LinkedIn, Indeed, Handshake, etc
Search String Example
(“President” OR “Vice President” OR “Treasurer” OR “Recruitment” OR “Secretary”) AND “{Insert Sorority or Fraternity}”
Outreach Language Example- Campus
“As the {Title} of {Fraternity or Sorority}, I see that leadership and growth is a huge part of your value system. Because of that. I would like to share more about our Top Ten internship program with you. What is your availability…”
Outreach Language Example- Full-time
“I can see you’ve taken you leadership role as {Title} or {Fraternity or Sorority} and continued that leadership and growth through the early part of your career. The dedication to others and the value of work ethic it takes to be in a position like that in college is impressive. I would like to learn more about you and your career aspirations and would also like to share a little more about the work we do here at our firm…”
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—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—