Recruiting Tip:

Week of February 8th


The ABC’s of your Ideal Calendar

I know you hear it often. Stick to an Ideal Calendar. Plan ahead etc... but, are you being INTENTIONAL?

When coaching our new recruiters and tenured recruiters we go through ideal calendars weekly as they are generally changing as your tenure grows with NM.

Setting your weekly goals with a a few of these tips could make the difference for you in recruiting results, happiness and add more celebrations to 2021!

Recruiters by nature are "Goal Getters!" So why not set yourself up to have Intentional and Achievable goals each week?

Make sure you have weekly slots scheduled to help you hit your goals! Look ahead and book slots for Initial Interviews, Sourcing, Scheduling and Bullhorn Clean up. We all wear additional hats so add those slots in! Recruiting is tough and it ebbs and flows. Why not control those peaks and valleys ?

When you have a time block on your calendar and you fill that block with candidates, commit to sourcing daily etc… then you hit that goal... We PROMISE it feels great!

Quick and easy tip:

It is as easy as A ... B ... C... ( a great Boss Babe mentor, Sandra Chuma, shared her thoughts on goal setting and we believe it applies to your ideal calendar goal setting)

A. Anchor Moment- Look for something that you have to do and make it a part of your regular routine ( i.e. BLOCK IT ON YOUR CALENDAR )

B. Behavior- Train yourself to know what goes where on your calendar and fill those slots. By Friday you should have a full week of interviews, sourcing and to-dos the next week!

C. Celebrate - When we feel GOOD about achieving our goals our brain will release dopamine that tells your body to feel good! Stop and celebrate- filling all of your time blocks, actually sourcing every day, meeting with 3 reps in your office every week ... WHATEVER YOUR IDEAL CALENDAR needs to be. Plan Ahead, Make it a Behavior and CELEBRATE THE WINS. Big or Small!

Need help creating your idea calendar? Buzz us to schedule an ideal calendar session! Its our JAM!

Monthly Sourcing Calendar…


We know you have seen our Monthly Sourcing Calendar information by now! But, we are starting to hear the good news and success our clients have had implementing the program into their monthly routines!

“ I was so excited when we received our first monthly sourcing calendar email! I jumped right in and because I committed to implementing it into my schedule and I have seen results! We have 4 candidates on the calendar that are AWESOME that is a direct result of the monthly sourcing calendar tips , language and prompts!”

- Madi Mills , Director of Recruitment ( and recruiting Rockstar we might add) in Anaheim Hills

The Monthly Sourcing Calendar is designed for your team to plug and play search strings & language to increase leads, make referrals easier for leaders/reps, and build the habit of sourcing for everyone!

You will receive:

  • A Monthly Theme

  • A Weekly Search Strings

  • A Weekly Prospecting Question

  • Language for Outreach

To sign up click here

Madi Mills, Director of Recruiting and Rockstar our of Anaheim Hills, CA

Madi Mills, Director of Recruiting and Rockstar our of Anaheim Hills, CA

Founder and BossBabe- Shannon Buth

Founder and BossBabe- Shannon Buth

February Feature: House of Shan

We are excited to feature some of our favorite female boss ladies this month. Each of them have something sweet, fun shopping links and amazing stories!

This week we are introducing you to House of Shan.

Not only does she have the coziest sweatshirts, adorable coffee mugs and more featuring her signature imperfect heart she also gives back!

We cant help but LOVE her motto…


$5 from each apparel purchase supports The Children’s Heart Foundation the whole month of February. CHF focuses on on funding the most promising congenital heart research.

We love Shannon and her BIG HEART!

Check out her webpage click here

Instagram: houseofshan

Shop for your own imperfect heart, click here