Get More Candidates to Stick with the Process
We (and our NM clients) have been experiencing a higher than normal number of candidates who are getting offers elsewhere and dropping out of the selection process. This tip is about a few things you can do to help keep top candidate engaged!
Language to use in initials and in-depths:
Tell me about some other companies/roles you are looking at?
What is attracting you to them?
Where are you in the selection process with those roles?
If they are further along in a process with another company: “I know you are further along in that process but based on your background in {Sales} and the fact that you are a {former collegiate athlete} I would strong encourage us to continue conversation about this career even if you end up getting an offer at the other company.”
Speed up the Selection Process:
Yes, we said it. We know some offices are stuck in their ways with a drawn out process but in this environment, it puts you at a disadvantage.
Initial should be scheduled within 48 hours of receiving the lead
In-depth should be scheduled within 4-5 business days of the initial
Third meeting should be scheduled within 5 business days of the in-depth (can absolutely include Market Surveys)
Do a Selection Process Audit:
Look for…
Do the messages in each meeting align with each other?
What could be streamlined (both with language & assignments)?
Who has the best closing ratio out of your leadership?
If you don’t know, or don’t want to do that on your own let us know and we are happy to help provide an outside perspective