Use your Favorite Football Team to Recruit

** This can be used for other sports other than football as well **

Pay attention to football on Saturdays and Sundays in the Fall— even if you are not a fan, it will be useful. Who is won, who lost, and what people are saying about the games. You can get a lot of that information from social media! Or even the news in your area.

Use that knowledge to build a relationship with candidates while sourcing and in interviews.


“I am reaching out from the recruitment team here at Northwestern Mutual. I came across your profile and noticed your background in business development and the fact that you went to school in Wisconsin. If you are a Greenbay fan, that was a tough one on Sunday. Where were they?! Anyway, I’d like to introduce myself and share a little more about what we do. What is your availability this week for a call or coffee meeting?”

“I am reaching out from the recruitment team here at Northwestern Mutual. I came across your profile and noticed your business development background and that you graduated from THE Ohio State University— Go BUCKS! Anyway, I’d like to introduce myself and share a little more about what we do. What is your availability this week for a call or coffee meeting?”

—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—