Our Top Searches You Can Use TODAY!
This tip is all about keeping it simple.
Copy the search string | Go to Indeed/LinkedIn/Bullhorn | Search | Reach-out
You have got this!
Candidates who have ‘hunted’ who are also on the Market: “Seeking New” AND “Business Development”
Bi-lingual Candidates: “Sales” AND “Bilingual” OR “Spanish” OR “Mandarin” OR “Cantonese”
Collegiate Athletes: “Sales” AND “NCAA” OR “Student Athlete”
Female Candidates: “Business Development” AND “Woman” OR “Women” OR “She” OR “Her”
Candidates from Banking: “Private Banker” AND “Sales”
Candidates from Financial Services: “Wealth Management” AND “Business Development” AND “Client”
Save this page and use these each week. There are always new people when we search. Enjoy!
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—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—