Center of Influence Group Meeting
Have you connected with your favorite Centers of Influence (COI) recently? Just to check in, maybe catch up? Do your COI's know each other or can you all benefit from helping each other during these uncertain times?
Schedule a virtual coffee or happy hour to connect with a select few COI’s and see how you can all help each other (and maybe pick up a few new COI's along the way). Your COI's more than likely know someone who has been impacted or displaced.
You never know, maybe your TOP center of influence is now looking for a career change!
Recommended Number of Attendees:
4-6 so it doesn't get too busy and people talking over each other
Setting up the Meeting:
Via phone (recommended) or email
“Hi {COI}, I was calling/emailing today for a couple reasons- the first was to check in with you. How are you holding up with everything going on? How have you been impacted? The second reason for my outreach is that I would like to get 4-5 of my closest professional contacts together to talk about what is going on in the market at the moment, how it is impacting each person, what we have learned, how our businesses have shifted, and just simply connect. What works better for you coffee or a happy hour?”
Kick the call off by talking about the reason you set the call up (to connect with other professionals)
Ask everyone to introduce themselves, what company they are with, and what they are hoping to gain from the connection
Bring a topic of interest to the table.
Example: Market Trends “I wanted to share some of what we are seeing from a recruiting perspective. With unemployment being the highest it has been since the great depression there are a lot of people out of work. Some of the companies in the area who have gone through the biggest layoffs are {insert company} and {inset company} so if you are looking to hire we recommend searching these companies. Or if you have contacts in those companies, reach out and simply check in.”
Example: Job searching tips “I wanted to share some tips for anyone looking for a new role. Most of you are still working which is fantastic but I wanted to share these tips for you to share with other professionals. You are more than welcome to send them my way as a resource as well”— Come to the table with a quick tips page or something relevant that has your contact information on it that they can share
Open the call up and ask how things are going in each business? How have things shifted for them? and How have they had to pivot?
Wrap up the call with a sincere thank you
—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—