Boeing & CBRE

We have interviewed several candidates over the past week or so that are being impacted by continued changes at two (completely) different companies: Boeing & CBRE


Over the past year or so, Boeing has gone through layoffs and there are rumors there will be more. On top of that, their talent pool is actively moving on to different careers. Why not this career?!


  • “Sales” AND “Boeing”

  • “Business Development” AND “Boeing”

  • “Open to Opportunities” AND “Boeing”

  • “Sales Manager”

  • “Sales and Marketing Manager”


“Hi {Name}, we have run into multiple candidates from your company who are exploring alternate career opportunities. Given your background and {insert something non work related— example: volunteer work} I wanted to introduce myself and the career at our firm.”


CBRE is a commercial real estate & investment company who has been hit hard by the pandemic and by the fact that people are slow to get back into the office. There have been several candidates this week who have made it clear that there is internal dialog about more changes coming.


  • “Investment Sales” AND “CBRE”

  • “Sales Manager” AND “CBRE”

  • “Athlete” AND “CBRE” AND “Sales”


“Hi {Name}, given the changes in the commercial real estate space, we have run into multiple candidates from your company who are exploring alternate career opportunities. Given your background and {insert something non work related— example: volunteer work} I wanted to introduce myself and the career at our firm.”

Note: Under filters on LinkedIn you can input the CURRENT company they are with to make sure the individual is still with Boeing or CBRE


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—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—