Back to School

It is back to school time which means there are parents out there who can take a little time to focus on themselves for the first time in a while. A new career could be just the trick. :)

Working Parents

Search String that works really well!:

  • (“Mother” OR “Mom” OR “Father” OR “Dad”) AND (“Sales” OR “Business Development”)


“Hi [Name], Congrats on back to school! I really like that you call out being a parent on your LinkedIn— more people should do that. I see that on top of your role as a [Mom/Dad], you also have a background in [sales or business development]. Would you be open to a conversation about new career opportunities? If so, I would love to introduce myself”

NOTE: Don’t forget about Teachers! Yes, they are back in the classroom but many are still considering career moves. Refer to our past recruiting tip on this topic for help with search strings and language!


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—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—