Athletes are a fantastic target market for potential Advisors – they are coachable, passionate, and competitive.
Did you know 1 in 5 Northwestern Mutual Advisors are former college athletes?
Former Athletes in Sales -- LinkedIn network:
Step 1: Search “Sales” AND “Baseball” (replace baseball with a sport of your choice)
Step 2: Connections>> 1st and 2nd
Step 3: Location >> Your Location
Step 4: Identify mutual connections and ask for introduction
Step 5: Once introduced- conduct a brief phone call or meeting and then make an introduction to a recruiter
Language for 1st connection:
“Hi Jonathan, we have been connected for a few years now and I notice you have an impressive sales background PLUS you played baseball at XYZ College! Our firm has a lot of former athletes- both professional and collegiate so when I came across your profile I thought I’d reach out. What is your availability this Friday afternoon for a brief conversation?”
Language for an introduction to a mutual connection:
“Hi Lauren- I notice we have a mutual connection in Jon Smith. Jon has an impressive background as an athlete and in sales and is someone I would like to introduce myself to regarding some career opportunities. Would you mind making the introduction? Thank you,”
—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—