African American Market
Did you know?...
2.7 million households in the African American community have an annual income over $75,000 & more than 40 million Americans are African- American- 13% of the population.
This is an ideal time to recruit in the African American market.
Search your LinkedIn networks with these keywords:
National Black MBA Association, Inc
Association of African American Financial Advisors
National Sales Network (NSN)
National Association of Black Accountants
National Black Chamber of Commerce
Language if you know the person:
{Name} meet {Recruiter} and vice versa. I was just talking to {Recruiter} and thought she would be a great person for you to connect with. I know you are a member of {XYZ Association} and are entrenched at {current company}, but thought at the very least you should connect {Recruiter} about our career @ NM and the trajectory. I think you would be enriched by the conversation and you are both awesome people.
The two of you can take it from here.
Language if you don’t know the person but you are connected through LinkedIn:
{Name}, we have been connected for a few years now and I notice you are involved with {XYZ Association}. This may seem out of the blue but you are exactly the type of person I would like to introduce to our Dir or Recruiting, {Recruiter}. {Recruiter} specializes in having conversations with seasoned professionals like yourself about some of the career opportunities we have here. I think you will find what she has to say meaningful and relevant. {Recruiter} is added to this email.
You two take it from here.
—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—