How does 1883 & NM Relate to each other?

For all you Yellowstone fans out there, the spin off series 1883 is really well done but what the heck does that have to do with Recruiting at NM? Longevity! History! Loyalty!

1883 is not the only show we have watched or book we have read that we think to ourselves “Wow, Northwestern Mutual was around then!”

Find other people who will appreciate the longevity of this company & share that history with them.

Search Ideas

"Loyalty" AND "History" AND "Sales"

("History of success" OR "track record of success") AND "Business Development"

"Longevity" AND "Sales"

"Longevity" AND "client" AND "Quota"

How to approach them

Option #1

“Hi [Name], I was searching for professionals in my expanded network who value longevity and have a history of success. Those values align really well with our firm and I was hoping you would be open to a conversation.”

Option #2

“Hi [Name], Do you ever watch tv shows or movies set back in the mid-late 1800’s and think “How did we function back then without cars, internet, etc?” Well, Northwestern Mutual did! Our firm is 165 years old and when I saw your profile, you seem to value longevity. I wanted to reach out and see if you would be open to learning more about opportunities we have here.”

Welcome to the mind of a nerdy recruiter!

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—This document and the information in it are provided for Northwestern Mutual Recruiters and Leadership Teams and may not be distributed to any other organization or used for any other purpose without written consent from Claire Myers Consulting.—