12 Days of Sourcing!

A sincere thank you from the CMC Team….

The team at CMC wants to give a heartfelt thank you to each of our clients. We are thriving, continuing to broaden our knowledge, and are truly looking forward to what 2023 has in store!

In place of a physical gift this season, we have decided to give the gift of exclusive content designed just for YOU!

We are taking the 12 Days of Christmas theme and turning it into the 12 Days of Sourcing, giving you access to 12 free sourcing tips.

Happy sourcing and Happy Holidays from all of us here at Team CMC!


On the 12th day of sourcing...

Kick of January the Best Way Possible!


Steal Shamelessly! Use our 12 Days of Sourcing concept.

Help your office provide more recruiting referrals by giving them search strings & language each day. You could call it anything like "5 Days of Recruiting" or "2021-- The Year of Recruiting"

Make it easy for everyone.

1. Announce what you are doing on Monday, January 2nd.

"We wanted to start 2023 off the right way through increasing candidate introductions from the office. Each day this week I am going to send you one search string per day. My hope is you take 5 minutes to put into LinkedIn, or simply think about friends or clients that may fall into the search parameters I send. Today's search is _______ and here is some language to help with introducing them to me/the firm _________________. Thank you for your help making 2023 our best year ever!"

2. Plan your searches (or steal these examples):

Monday: "Seeking New" AND "Business Development"

- Find people who are actively on the market who have a business development background

Tuesday: "Business Development" AND "[Insert Sport]"

- Find Athletes who have experience in business development

Wednesday: "Sales" AND "Fraternity" OR "Sorority"

- Find candidates who have a sales background and who were/are in a Fraternity or Sorority

Thursday: "Entrepreneur" AND "Sales"

- Find Entrepreneurs in your area! You never know whose business was negatively impacted through COVID

Friday: "Quota" AND "Territory" AND "Business Development"

- Find people who are potentially tired of having a territory, traveling, and/or having a quota set by other people

3. Give language

Introduction language

"Hi [Name], I was speaking with our recruiter today. He/She asked me who I knew who [insert relevant info-- ex: were an athlete in college and who has sales experience] and you immediately came to mind. I am not under the assumption you are in the market for a change but I think taking a call with [Recruiter name] would be worth your time."


On the 11th day of sourcing...

How to Find Referrals Using Past Referrals


How to Find Referrals Using Past Referrals

Step 1:

Configure Candidate List for easy searching
Menu > Candidates > Columns > select the following: ‘Name’ | ‘Date’ ‘Added’ | ‘Ownership’ | ‘Status’ | ‘Last Note’ | ‘General Comments’ | ‘Lead Source Three’

Step 2:

Filter by Lead Source Three to find candidates some specific Advisors. Start by typing in Leaders names there to pull all of their referrals.

Step 3:

Ask those Leaders and Advisors who would be worth speaking to again?

With people who they think you should reach out to: Call or email them (language below)!

With the people they say are not worth another conversation: Ask the follow-up question "if they would not be a fit right now, would they be a good COI or referral source?"

Step 4:

Reach out!

Language for outreach

"[Name], We were referred to your [timeline--example last year] by our [Title], [Leader or Advisors Name]. A lot has changed in the world since we were originally referred to you so I wanted to reach out and see if you would be open to a conversation about the career opportunities here at our firm. Again, [Leader or Advisors Name] said great things about you so if you are open to it, we would love to have a brief conversation."

- If they say 'Yes'-- Set the call!

- If they say 'No'-- "I completely understand. That said, we are looking to introduce ourselves to other top professionals in the area. Frankly, people exactly like you. Who do you know who may be interested in a conversation? Someone who was impacted by COVID professionally? The top salesperson you know?"


On the tenth day of sourcing...

Finding Candidates with Big Hearts!


The NM career can be rewarding for so many reasons but one of the main things we hear in interviews is that candidates want to "help people." Be international about finding people who practice what they preach.


People who work at nonprofits can make great advisors- especially if they are on the fundraising side of things.

Look for:

"Fundraising" AND "501c3"

"Fundraising Manager" AND "Non Profit"

Language for outreach:

"Hi [Name], I see you have spent your career in the non profit sector with [company] and [company]. Believe it or not, there are many similarities between a Financial Advising career and one in non-profit. The most striking one is that you HAVE TO be driven to help people. Not sure if you have thought about this type of career before but I would love to learn more about you and share more about the opportunity."


Look for:

"Non-profit" OR "Nonprofit" AND "Board Member"

Language for outreach:

"Hi [Name], I see you have been very involved with the board at [Organization]. Believe it or not, there are many similarities between a Financial Advising career and involvement in non-profits. The most striking one is that you HAVE TO be driven to help people. Not sure if you have thought about this type of career before but I would love to learn more about you and share more about the opportunity."


On the ninth day of sourcing...

Our Top Ten Boolean searches!!


Our Top Ten Boolean searches!!

1. "Seeking New" AND "Business Development"

2. "Business Development" AND "{Sport}"

3. "Sales" AND "Quota"

4. "Chamber of Commerce" AND "Sales" AND "Business Development"

5. "Sales" AND "Presidents club"

6. "Account Executive" AND "Exceed"

7. "Women" OR "Woman" AND "Sales" OR "Business Development"

8. "Territory" AND "SaaS" AND "Sales"

9. "Freelance" AND "Business"

10. "Business Development" AND "Top Performer"


On the eigth day of sourcing...

Candidates who recently switched jobs


We know it seems counterintuitive but send messages to candidates who have recently switched jobs. It throws the potential candidate off guard because most recruiters won't reach out that quickly-- you can get up to a 90% increase in your response rate by doing this!

It is easiest to see this in Sales Navigator and Recruiter Lite accounts! When you run a search, there will be an alert at the top of the results that says how many people in your search have switched jobs in the last 90 days.

Low Hanging Fruit:

Freelancers! They are likely on the market but don't say 'seeking new' on their profile. Find them by using "Freelance work" AND Sales"

Example Outreach Language:

"I see you recently made the move to [company] but I couldn't help but reach out. People with similar backgrounds to yours in [Add background] tend to do very well when they transition to a career here at our firm. At the very least, they enjoy developing their professional network.

Again, I know you recently made a move but would you be open to a 15 minute call?"


On the seventh day of sourcing...

Set up your Google Alerts and USE THEM


Set up your Google Alerts to help you find more candidates.

Setting up the alerts:

- Go to www.google.com/alerts

- Type in your search. Our favorite alerts are:

- Layoff

- Women in Business

- Northwestern Mutual

- Add your region or state into the alert to narrow down results (we leave ours nationwide to make sure we don't miss anything)

- Save the search!


Northwestern Mutual Alert

This is a great way to learn about what is going on within the firm to give you more fuel in your interviews. Share the information you learn with your COI's and candidates as a way to stay connected. For example: "Hey- did you see this article about NM that just came out today..."

Women in Business Alert

How are you staying connected to women, their issues in the workplace, and some wins? If you scroll through these each morning, we guarantee you will feel more prepared to talk to women about the career here (and use what you read to help them understand why this is such a great career).

Layoff Alert

Source candidates from these companies
- Ask people in your firm to ask for referrals
- Create feed lists
- Search LinkedIn and reach out

Make connections with people in your firm

  • Add one of those companies into the search bar on LinkedIn with a qualifying word. Example “Charles Schwab” AND “Business Development.” Then, filter to your ‘Location’ and ‘Connection’

  • You can also search LinkedIn by company. Type a qualifier into the search bar on LinkedIn, then go to ‘Company.’ Example: Search bar: “Business Development” AND “Athlete” | Current Company: Charles Schwab | Location: San Francisco Bay Area

  • Other filters you can use: Click ‘Past Company’ | Connection | Education

Reach out!

  • Through a connection (internal to the firm or COI): “Hi {Name}, You may have heard that {company} has gone through some layoffs recently. I see that you are connected to {name} on LinkedIn, and while I am not sure if they were impacted by the changes, they are exactly the type of person I would like to connect with to share more about a career opportunity here at our firm. Would you be open to making an introduction?”

  • Cold outreach: “Hi {Name}, This may seem out of the blue, but I read today that your company {company} has been going through some changes. I wanted to reach out because while I am not sure if you are impacted, you are the type of person we like to talk to about career opportunities with our firm. Would you be open to a conversation this week?” Note: make sure to customize by adding something about them.

Many people have been impacted by the changing economy, and we can create a positive for both our company and their future by introducing them to this career. At the very least, both of you gain a new professional contact.


On the fifth day of sourcing...

Strategic Relationship Building


Building relationships with recruiters in other industries will not only drive referrals your way, but can be invaluable to your reputation if a candidate is not the right fit for a career at NM. To be able to point a candidate to another person is such an amazing way to continue adding value in the community.

Ideally, find recruiters who are also recruiting sales people.

  • Think! Who do you know in recruiting or HR? Those are great people to start with.

  • Find Recruiters by searching on LinkedIn!

      • Use this search string to find Recruiters who recruit salespeople: "Recruiter" OR "Recruit" AND "Sales"

      • Reach out and let them know you would like to learn more about them, their company, and what types of candidates they would like to see.

      • Let them know that 95%+ of our candidates are not the right fit and you would love to be able to refer candidates their way

      • Share more about the ideal candidate for your firm

    • Find Recruiting firms in your area and build a relationship

      • Example Recruiting Firms: Robert Half, Korn Ferry, Aerotek, & Kelly


On the fifth day of sourcing...

Candidate Re-engagement in Bullhorn


Did you know that over 250,000 candidates are added into Bullhorn each year?! That is a lot of candidates who you have been interested in one way or another and they may be ready for a career change!

  • Filter your candidate list to find candidates to re-engage with!

  • A few of our favorite filters are:

    • 'Status'= New Lead | 'Lead Source Three' = {Insert Leader or Reps Name}

      • This will pull all of the leads that have not been Quiet Filed or moved through the process.

      • Reach out to the Leader/Rep to see if anything has changed with these candidates and if you should reach back out

    • 'Status'= New Lead | 'Lead Source Three' = {Indeed or other internet source}

      • These are colder leads so mass email them!

      • Click the checkbox in the top left of the list to select them all > Click 'select all [##] candidates' > 'Select an Action' > 'Email Candidates'

        • Language for outreach: "Hi {Name}, I wanted to circle back on some career opportunities at our firm. You were interested in speaking a little while ago and we were never able to connect. Would you be open to exploring now?"


On the fourth day of sourcing...

Drive more people to your business Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram page


We always hope more people will follow our companies but it doesn't happen as easily as you may think. Here are a few things you can do to drive more traffic.

  • Add a hyperlink to your business social media pages in your signature

  • Ask each candidate you meet with to follow your business page on social media (only about 4% of candidates will actually get a contract. That leaves 96% of people who you still want to have some interaction with even if just to drive referrals.)

    • An example of wording in your email "I'd invite you to follow us on {social media platform}!"

  • Use Hashtags to help drive more local traffic

    • Example: #SonomaValleybusiness #Womenentrepreneur #womenownedbusiness #Consulting #Recruiting

  • It's a two way street. Follow small businesses in your area, like their posts, and comment as appropriate. You will build your brand in the community as someone who is supportive!


On the third day of sourcing...

Help them Help you


Increase referrals by helping leaders, advisors, and office staff get some wins! A few tips to help:

  • Don't forget about staff! AFRs, SET, Receptionist, etc-- just by being in the office they know what a good advisor looks like. They want to feel part of the culture-- let them help you build it!

  • Train leaders and advisors on LinkedIn- It will help them with recruiting referrals AND for their own practices.

    • Teach them how to do a Boolean search

    • Provide a couple of your favorite searches (CMCs favorite is "Business Development" AND "Seeking New")

    • Show them how to filter (including the 'Connections of' filter they can use to build feed lists for clients!)

    • Give them the language to introduce you

      • "Hi {Name}, I was just meeting with our head of recruiting about growing our firm in 2021. I know this may be random but your name came up as someone with think could thrive here and my hope is that you will take a call with him/her"

  • Pull a list of their past referrals and review! Maybe some are ready to be re-engaged


On the second day of sourcing...

LinkedIn Recruiting Tips (no subscription required)


LinkedIn Sourcing Tips-- No special subscription required

Use the 'Connections of' filter!

When you are building feed lists or doing research on how connected COIs or Reps are, use the 'Connections of' filter

Type search into search bar > Click 'All Filters' > Type the name of the person you would like to find connections of under 'Connections of' > Click 'Apply'

Start reaching out to the last couple pages of your search results. Those people tend to get less messages which means they are more likely to respond

Join groups! Find groups that are relevant to your ideal candidate. For example: "Women in Business" or "Business Development"

Search in the search bar > Click the dropdown that says 'More' find 'Groups' > Scroll through and find groups that you think would be beneficial


On the first day of sourcing…

Recruiting Salespeople in December!


Don’t take the month of December off! It is absolutely the right time to recruit some top sales professionals!

Right now, most sales people are pushing to their end of year quotas but unlike advisors, they have to start at ZERO again on January first. Let’s get in front of some of these people!

Prospecting questions for candidates & clients:

  • Who do you know in sales who has already exceeded their yearly target?

  • Who is the best sales person you know?

  • Who is the most successful saleswoman you know?

Boolean search strings:

  • “Business development” AND “Quota”

  • “Enterprise Account Executive” AND “Exceed”

  • “Presidents Club” AND “Quota”

Bullhorn search:

  • Filter your candidate list to Quiet File & New Leads

  • Search for the search strings above

LinkedIn, Facebook, & Indeed Search:

Subject Lines:

  • Tired of starting at the ground level each year?

  • Reoccurring Revenue—how does it work?

  • Are you in sales for your company or for yourself?

  • 50% of sales from repeat clients in just a few years…

Message for someone who is familiar with Financial Advising:

While most sales people have to rebuild their income each year, our advisors are paid reoccurring revenue on their sales. They get paid on one sale for the remainder of their career! Plus- client retention is 96% which means our advisors are always doing what’s right for the client, customized to their specific situation.

I would love the opportunity to share more about reoccurring revenue, the income potential and the freedom this career has to offer. Plus, despite this crazy year, our firm is growing and extremely stable (only other company as stable is Microsoft!) What is your calendar like next week?

Message for someone who isn’t too familiar with the financial industry (Ex: tech sales):

This year has been a little different to say the least. Because of that, we are finding more and more people who are open to exploring careers they haven’t previously looked at. We have a top training program for people coming in at all levels, have incredibly competitive compensation structures, and would welcome a conversation

What is your calendar like for us to talk more about the opportunity?